Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Current List of Medical Schools

Below is my list of schools that I will being applying to. I complied my list mainly on the fact did they previously accept people with my GPA and MCAT score. Unfortunately my GPA suffered one year because of a full time job and even with getting good grades the two years after, my GPA was unable to recover. My MCAT score was good and was liked by many admission counselors that I talked to about my current situation.

  • Central Michigan University
  • Chicago Medical School at Rosalind Franklin University
  • Cooper Medical School Of Rowan University
  • Drexel University
  • Duke University (Dream School)
  • Howard University
  • Meharry Medical College
  • University Of Nevada Reno School of Medicine (Dream School_
Although this is below the average number of 13 medical schools that everyone applies to, I feel with at least half of them I have a decent chance of getting in. Now just to find the money apply. I am thinking of applying to a few DO schools. I would just like to get this medical school journey started. I've been working full time for almost two months now and I just want to go back to school. Lame I know.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

After a long soul searching break

I unfortunately let this blog slide mainly because I was no longer sure if medicine was a career path I wanted anymore. After working in the real world, pursuing some educational interests and graduating, I am ready to apply to medical school again. This time with far greater insight. Over a year ago, I was rejected from the only school I applied to. A huge mistake on my part, I should've applied to more schools. I applied with the wrong kind of mindset. I applied because I thought I should apply not because I was ready to apply. I did not have enough medical experience and I did not have a recommendation from a doctor.

Currently I still have the one problem of a letter of recommendation. I worked for a doctor for a year and was allowed to shadow her. I asked for a letter and was met with great enthusiasm. But after a week I received a call from the office manager telling me the doctor was pulling out because she didn't feel she could write a strong letter. Partially I am not upset by this because it is better to have no letter than a horrible letter. But I believe the loss of my letter actually had to do with the crazy office manager who made my life a living hell for a year rather than the actual doctor.

I want to make this blog more about my life and not just applying to medical school. This is in part because there is simply more to write about even if it is terribly. Because lets face it, much of applying is all about the waiting game.

So while I wait at least I achieved one accomplishment. I am now a graduate of the University of Nevada, Reno with a Bachelors of Science in Chemistry and a Bachelors of Arts in Political Science. Hooray for me!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Way too long.....

Yes I have done the worst thing possible, I went missing for many months. But during that time I went through the admissions cycle and I feel like I have a better grasp on how this whole thing works.

I've been re-inspired today because I met with the admissions coordinator of my 1st choice medical school. I applied and interviewed at this school but was rejected, however I was told I was a very promising candidate. My status is "Denied with encouragement." Although thats not accepted, I will take it. Here is what I will be working towards improving in the next few months before I apply again.

  • Shadowing (80+ hours in total)
  • taking 15 credit hours of upper division science in the fall
  • working further on my interview skills (didnt lose points on this but apparently I was harsh towards physicians)
  • Find a physician who will write me a strong letter of recommendation 
I was afraid that they would say that I would have to retake my MCAT or even worse that there was no possible way that I would gain admissions to the school. I'm no longer discouraged and I believe I have a better chance not only at 1st choice school but with other schools I apply to.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

So its over....

I mean the MCAT not life.

I know when I began this blog I said I would be writing as much as possible, however MCAT became too much of my life and I did not have much time for anything else. And since the end of my MCAT I was in the worlds maddest dash to finish my thesis that I have been holding off all summer because of the MCAT. My advisor really liked my work, though I need a few more things to be adjusted. Well life is finally back to normal. I have started classes and so far so good. Because of all the studying I know alot more than the grad students in my classes. At least the studying helped in some other way than take a huge chunk of time. I have also started to workout. When I was studying all summer I really didnt have a chance to devote time to working out because I felt guilty for not studying. However I started a fun women only fitness class, called Kaia Fit. When they mean intense they dont joke around. Waking up at 4:30 every morning to get your ass kicked, has left me sore these last few days.

Besides this I am currently waiting to push the "send" button to send my medical applications in. I am hesitant to send them in because I almost want to wait to see how my scores turn out. I think what I might do is send my application to my top 4 schools immediately and then wait to send it out to others once I know my scores.

I am very anxious to know my scores. I honestly have no idea how I did. All I know is that by the end of the test I did not want to cry because I did not understand anything. I understood at least the basic things.  All I can do is hope and pray that I did well enough so I dont have to retake it.

Now that life is normal I will be posting much more as I learn my fate for the next year.

Good luck to your new semester!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The ups and downs of studying

These last few weeks have been up and down in terms of the my MCAT practice test scores. Since my last blog post I was getting around 30's for my tests, however this last week my scores have dropped to pre-studying days. I dont know what I am doing wrong it seems like everything has flipped. On my most recent test I recieved
  • BS 6
  • VS 7
  • PS 9
In terms of physics I have been doing so much better but I feel that I have spent so much time focusing on it that the other ones have suffered. This does not feel good and makes my extremely nervous since I have roughly 18 days to figure out my life and do the best possible on the real test. If you have expierenced this please let me know how you handle the dissapointment and tips of how to get passed it.

So continue the MCAT blues.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

MCAT Test Prep Materials

Glad to finally be back to a normal schedule. There was hardly any legitiment MCAT studying going on this holiday weekend. However I did manage to squeeze in a practice test on Saturday. Overall I am ok with my results.
  • PS: 7
  • VR: 10
  • BS: 7
  • Overall: 24
Although I did drop two points in the BS, much of the drop was due to the fact that I didnt remember embryogenisis and the other missed questions were on topics that I have not reviewed yet. So I am confident that my score will go back up. I am extremely happy with the verbal reasoning score. Hopefully it only goes up from here. PS is not amazing but I think I simply need more practice.

In my last post I talked about ordering ExamKrackers 1001 questions in physics. I thought it would be here by now however, I didnt realize that I ordered the book from England and it would take roughly 14 days for it got get here. That sucks but oh well. But in the mean time I still need to finish reviewing Biology and Organic Chemistry. I am not too worried about Organic Chemistry because apparently I remember enough to do fairly well on those questions.

What materials have I been using to prep?
  • ExamKrackers verbal reasoning 
    • Since using this book, I have seen my score orginally go from 5 to a 10. I tried Kaplan's practice of the section but I thought their's was done very poorly and I didnt feel like I was learning anything.
  • Kaplan Subject Review
    • I have the subject review for Kindle however I could not find a link for them on Amazon. I got the reviews for free when Kaplan released them for Kindle and Nook. I like them because they keep me awake because its like someone is trying to explain something and they are trying hard to be funny. However I dislike them because there noticeable grammar and spelling mistakes. I dont know if this is only a problem with the digital version or not but it is a pet peeve of mine. These books are not cheap and the least they could do is make  sure they dont have simple editing mistakes. (yes, I know that you will find plenty of grammar and spelling mistakes in this blog but I dont make millions of dollars for a fancy editor)
  • ExamKrackers 101 passages Verbal Reasoning
    • Great book just to practice. A recent med school student told me when she was studying she would do a few passages every day to keep in the mind set and this became her strong subject. I have noticed that I do better when I am practicing everyday. 
  • ExamKrackers 1001 physics questions
    • I haven't received this one yet but I will let you know as soon as I get it. 
Overall I am seeing improvement, but with only 35 days left before the big day. I feel like I should be a further along than I am. I want to finish all my review in the next week so that I can simply do lots of practice questions. Lets hope this pans out. 

On a side note today I did win MCAT test prep materials from Bench Prep. I have not really gone through it but it seems like they have a nice mix of questions that I am excited to go through. 

I know there is so much more I want to talk about but I have this big feeling that I need to go study so I am off. Good luck with all your studying!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

MCAT practice

Sorry its been a few days since my last but its been a very long weekend. Including a practice test and trying to find a new person to write a letter of recommendation.

In my last post I wrote that I finally sent out requests for letters of recommendations. I received a yes from a professor that I volunteered for almost 2 years ago. I was extremely surprised by this since it had been a while since we have spoken. One of the professors I was really hoping would say yes actually decided it against since she her position might go away within the next month because of budget cuts and she did not feel comfortable writing one. So now I need to find a science professor to write one unfortunately I am not close with many of professors, which is my own stupid fault.

On Sunday I took my first practice test in a while. Below are my scores and the points I either gained or lost since my last test. I used tests, however I bought the 10 tests on eBay and spent $80 rather than $150 on the site. Just search 'mcat'.
  • Physical Science 6 (-2)
  • Biological Science 9 (+1)
  • Verbal 7 (+2)
My physical science score really worries me. I do not understand why I went down two points. The program that I used to take the test thankfully breaks down each area of the test. From the results I really need to become comfortable with translation motion, particle dynamics, and fluids and solids. I have reviewed all of Kaplan's physical science so at this point I believe that I need practice questions so I order Exam Krackers 1001 Physics questions. Hopefully it gets here quick.

I noticed that I got done with each of the sections with at least 15 mins to spare. I think much of it has to do with my nerviousness so I tend to speed through everything and that is contributing to my low scores. I am just hoping that I can raise my scores enough within the next 45 days and learn to calm down a little.

Below is a list of places that I found that had either free questions or MCAT practice tests. Please let me know if I missed any.
On my next post I will comment on the test preps that I have used and what like/dislike about them.